Because of the popularity of this webpage, I will continue to add scary things that I find on the internet. If you would like to submit something that you find on the internet that scares you, just leave a comment. Thanks.
Scariest Things Ever (in no particular order):
20) The Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs (3 Guys 1 Hammer), Luka Magnotta (1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick), et al.
There are a disturbing amount of "gore" type videos that depict mutilations, murders, and the like. I am adding these to this list, because it is certainly frightening to think of what some humans are capable of doing. These videos aren't really the type of scary stuff that this page is focused on, but if we're talking about the scariest things on the internet, this list wouldn't be complete without them.
Due to the graphic nature of most of those videos, no direct links will be provided. However, if for some reason your curiosity gets the best of you and you still want to see them, they can be easily found at most of the gore-sites out there. You should be warned that the videos are highly disturbing, disgusting, sickening, etc. and will likely leave you with a gross feeling in your stomach and the inability to get the pictures out of your head. Honestly, I suggest you leave that part of the internet alone.
19) Bongcheon-Dong Ghost
The Bongcheon-Dong Ghost is a story based on true eyewitness accounts. Apparently, a woman in Seoul had lost her 2 year old daughter due to a divorce. She committed suicide by jumping off of an apartment building. Since that day, her ghost has been seen walking the streets. Click the link below to read a comic-story about one of these encounters. It is without a doubt one of the scariest things on the internet. Keep your sound on.
Bongcheon-Dong Ghost
18) The Anneliese Michel Exorcism Audio Tapes
Anneliese Michel was the girl who's story is told in The Exorcism of Emily Rose. The audio tapes were recorded during the attempted exorcism ritual. I don't know why whoever edited the audio into this video added choral music to the background, but it doesn't take away from making this one of the scariest things on the internet. If you believe listening to this stuff might open doors or whatever, please DO NOT push play. No joke.
17) Angry Demon Cat
Demon cat screams. See video. Fore more on the demon cat, click here.
16) Old Woman's Eye Socket Teeming With Maggots
This video is quite disturbing. The title says it all. I hate to think how an old woman can start decaying while she's still alive. Worst part is how she moans the whole time. Not for the squeamish:
Old Woman's Eye
15) Crime Scene Photos
Thanks to The Joking Wulf for this latest entry. This website contains various photos from real crime scenes. Although I'm not sure exactly why anyone would want to spend their time going through these photos, I cannot deny that they are some of the scariest things on the internet. So, view at your own risk:
Crime Scene Photos
14) Salad Fingers
Salad fingers is a lonely green man who lives in the middle of nowhere. And yes, that does sound scary. If you enjoy this type of disturbing scariness, click the link to see more of David Firth's work. Link: More Disturbing Scariness
13) Car Advertisement Goes Horribly Wrong
The story behind this one is that while they were filming the following advertisement, one of the crew members suffered from a massive heart attack (of course, the details vary from story to story). The scary part is that they were filming during his "death" and at the moment he dies, some white mist (or a ghost) appears across the road in this video. Look closely as the car drives out from behind the trees. Pretty freaky.
12) Scary Maze Game
Okay, supposedly if you can get to the end of this difficult maze game, they'll show you some scary, graphic video. I actually cannot beat the game (tried for the past 20 minutes and gave up), but if anyone out there can do it, please let me know what you find. Good luck and godspeed:
I'll give it to you, dolls are creepy creppy CREEPY. but I'll give you two doll-related things that are far scarier in my opinion.
1. doll parts.
When I worked in newspaper, one of our weekly newspapers was doing a story on a doll maker. And they had doll parts all over the page. Thank god I did not have to design that page. I would have had nightmares!
2. ventriloquist dummies
totally irrational fear, I know. But you have NO IDEA how much it took for me to google images of those things. It was seriously high anxiety looking at them. I know where my fear comes from. There was a Twilight Zone episode I watched as a kid that had the dummy come to life. Can't you just see it snapping its neck and looking at you? Flapping it's wooden bottom lip while it tells you it's coming after you?
Thanks for the help monkey! I appreciate it.
*SHUDDERS* omg im going to KILL the person who made this site. Very nice jingle bells backward!!!!It was 1:30 in the morning when i watched that. SCARY Be warned of jingle bells people. Be warned.....
I CANT BELIEVE that bud dwyer suicide video... I kept on expecting something to jump at me, but it was real... Man, thats messed up^^^
Why did I not heed your warning about the Bill Dwyer video? I honestly thought it was just a joke. I should have looked on Wikipedia first. That was messed up.
Yeah, just another caveat for anyone who reads these comments before clicking that link: The Budd Dwyer suicide is not a joke. It's not a scare video or anything. It's for real and it is disturbing.
This scared me the first time i watched it, just kind of suspenseful hope you like it.
damnnnnnn you!!!! jingle bells scared the poop outta me
There are some pretty scary pictures out there too, like smile.jpg. The re's a few stories that circulate around that particular picture, and anything pertaining to it on Wikipedia or other sites is removed. Usually the paranormal section of 4chan has some pretty creepy things.
Okayy, some of those videos werent even funny, like thee one when you said, look at the ghost crossing the street, and the person pops out, LMAO.wow immature people these days, butt i do have to give it to youu, you did scare me.
Hey ive seen every picture,or watch the lil' movies, but none of these scared me, srry. but still a nice site
Brian- You're way too desensitized for 15 years. Hey man, when you find something that does scare you, be sure to come back and let us know where you found it!
Jingle Bells played backwards made me very stressed for the night BE WARNED PEOPLE ITS MADE TO BE A SHOCKER if anyones gonna watch it at least watch it with friends. I was alone in my bedroom at 3 in the morning and i screamed when i heard the scream and the flashing image. Scariest screamer i have ever seen yet. By Far.......
Be warned people
That list is only made o stupid pop-ups. However, the suicide one looks real and it´s crazy :O
Yes I agree that clowns are creepy as hell! The freaky most disturbing scary thing I have seen on the net is... putridsexobject.com
You will be lucky to make it through it all.. trust me.
Go on youtube and search for scariest picture on the enternet, i wanna know what u think of the one the women in the hall or sumhting, it looks like it'd be 3d if u have the glasses, aparently if you look into its eyes long enough it enteres your subconcous and thye are in your dreams!
wanna know sumthing scary .... go on youtube and type in the scariest graveyard ever. trust me its creepy. if its still on there theres like a girl and shes on a grave with red eyes check it out.
with the bud dwyer suicide video I literaly almost vommited all over my key board. I truely wish I never saw that video.
Im brian, i forgot my username and password lol xD!! but eh, something very scared happened to me 2 weeks ago :O
It was in the noon and i wanted to go on pc, but just before i put on the computer screen i saw a totally black man looking thing walking from the left to the right on my screen, like it walked behind me. i turned around but i saw nothing :s..i was allone but still saw somebody or something :S
haha i caught on to the jingle belss right before the face popped up. i had headphones in and i ripped them out right before the scream. the face still scared the shit out of me tho.
Okay so you wanna know how to beat the scary maze game just hold your mouse button/pad down and go you wont mess up and when your on the last level when you win nothing more hapends just another face
Oo ok, someone got something scary for me xd? if so please P.M me :)
Btw I'm brian omg i forgot name and pass lol..xp
Good Day!!! arthurlifeintheshadows.blogspot.com is one of the best informational websites of its kind. I enjoy reading it every day. All the best.
i like the vmonster screming
video with the car and the
The author of arthurlifeintheshadows.blogspot.com has written an excellent article. You have made your point and there is not much to argue about. It is like the following universal truth that you can not argue with: A person with two first names cannot be trusted. Thanks for the info.
Yeah, the Bud Dwyer video is real. Supposedly when it aired live on PA television in 1987 it was a snow day when kids were out of school and lots of people complained to the station that their kids saw it. I don't think the producers knew he was gonna do this. Yep, that is definitely one scary video.
(brian,15 years) I will let you know Arthur :D
Duude that salad fingers thing is messed up deffinatly the creepiest thing I've seen in a long time
I saw you. Tailgating my daughter. With aspirations of, deflowering her rose. I don't make mistakes, comrade. This ones textbook. God that has to be the scariest scene on salad fingers
Real crime scene and autopsy photos, including Ted Bundy victims, Tupac, the Black Dahlia, and Lizzie Borden
OMG I almost had a heart attack at the end of the Jingle Bells thing.
You got me good, my friend.
i dont know if its real, probably not.. but "ghost in pantry" on youtube scares the crap out of me!
What about the Purgatorium game? I've scared the hell out of my little brother with this game. Here is a link:
im 14 and the suicide thing got me out of my dads gun case for a while... im not suicidle its jst cuz i like guns.. and my dads a cop :P
that jingle bells thing made me jump soooo much
The maze one and the Jingle Bells one scared the absolute CRAP outta me, not the faces, just cause of the sound, haha
Lol the video where the guy jumped out? I jumped so bad at that. Defintely the worst I've ever been startled. I'm at the library and a bunch of people started staring at me. Well done. Also, Salad Fingers is kinda messed up too.
Jingle Bells= changing my pants
Here is a creepy website with some videos and pic, but I WARN YOU, this website is EXTREMELY graphic, and I mean REALLY graphic, if your under 18, STAY OUT, if your over 18.. Enjoy...
3 guys 1 hammer is #1 dont fucking watch that shit it gave me nightmares and i only watched 11 seconds of it
put in the slender an. watched it 3 yrs ago. im still paranoid.
type in marble hornets in youtube
and watch the introduction entry 1,2 and so forth scared the shit outta me
and a game;P hotel 626 it is realistic as hell and well you will find out..
Yeah, I gotta admit, everything on this list was pretty scary. But the suicide video thing is something I would never touch. Not only is it scary regardless of it being actual footage, it's inhumane to watch a real video of someone commiting suicide. There was this other video that my friend showed me-It was about Nazis beheading a Russian. It was purely real, and is hard to find because of the nature of the video. I was mad at my friend for showing me that; Who passes around videos of people dying like it's okay, without a fair warning? It's really strange to be okay with watching those videos.
Oh shit.. Yeah, that suicide video got me. My heart dropped. That's an intense thing to witness, someone taking their own life... Crazy stuff.
i was sleeping one night and was woken up by a friend who has been up all night lokking shit up on youtube when he came across "rubber johnny". a rubber johnny is a latex condem in french slang, so i figured it was something stupid. now, everyone that i showed this video to said it was creepy, but then i found the extended cut and the beginning is weird as hell. so, enjoy.
Rubber Johnny
look up harlequin babies
do you think those things are scary? (actualy the car video, the clown and the jingle scared me a little), but just pop creepypasta on youtube (not the spanish ones) or go to the creepypasta wiki and see the pics, stories and videos... just be warned that wont just scare you... it will give you nightmares...
Check out the rumors behind "Squidward's suicide". It's supposedly a real episode. Also, check out BEN on youtube. He's from a haunted video game cartridge.
Dyatlov Pass incident
you look it up... you wont sleep well. it may not have some creepy thing that pops out at you, it's a different kind of scary, that requires you to ponder. but really read the details & it will make your pondering lead to other much scarier things. you will see and good luck.
look up teresasmother.com that shit is messed up! its gross as hell so beware
Nothing on here was scary unless your the kind of person who believe in ghosts and demons. That cat was just a normal horny cat, my cats make that sound all the time. A deer makes a scarier sound, somtimes they sound like a child crying. Try waking up paralyzed during surgery or suddenly relizing you are not alone in the dark. What is scary is that thing you just can not remember while every cell in your body screams that there is something very wrong here. What is scary is that thing that always stands behind you looking over your shoulder but is never there when you look. What is scary is finding out that everything you know is a lie. What is scary is that you are not really here at all. What is scary is knowing that what you just read is the only thing that could ever wake you up but you are sleeping...
I got really really scared when I saw the crime scene photos especially the crimes that Jeffery dahmer committed…no sleep for me tonight
I dint find d Bud Dwyer thing scary??its just a man killing himself wid a gun
If you all want to see the most horrible things on the internet, goto these sites:
Be warned if you go to any of these sites you wont sleep for a while. Your choice.
Bongcheon-Dong Ghost scared the crap out of me and i don't even like reading, i tried to find more unfortunitly i can't understand chinese.. LOL but yes that was some other kind of horror for me and i enjoyed it :D
Im not saying this should be number one but should definitely be added to the list Im talking about Thirteen its a book which contains a bunch of horror stories but is famous for its opening story the magic and the dare which is a set of instructions that you can do in your own house. You could get it from piratebay or something for free as i did.
scary maze game
haven´t seen the deep web right?i´ve read violent desires and THAT´s some freaky thing...
I don't understand what was so scary about the Budd Dwyer Suicide. All it was was him shooting himself though the mouth, then gushing blood coming from his nose, and the top of his head where the bullet had exited.
I never knew that much blood could come from someone's nose!
and really sad. Don't watch it if you're not good with blood or sad things.
lol the jingle bells things scared me so bad even though i was only listening to it.
you told me to listen carefully!!
I will never be able to trust anyone ever again. lol
i'd seen the suicide video before on my friends execution dvd so i didnt watch it again here its kinda messed... but i just think what a selfish asshole! kill yourself at home not infront of people who are probly scarred from witnessing that first hand.. bud your a cunt
I don't understand what is scary in those videos.
Check my blog http://thoughtwrestle.wordpress.com/
Freakin' scary old houses and city's which make you just feel like your in there yourself. It gives me the creeps all over my body. Just like swing seats (how the fuck are they called ?!) These are just made to swing when there's nobody in it... Creepy shit.
gand hein phat gayi bhai....
The song Tiptoe Through the Window(The Insidious Version on Tiptoe Through the Tulips by Tiny Tim) it's a very creepy song
The old children's show "Nosey Bonks" I only ever found one clip from the original show but there is a YouTube page staring Nosey Bonks doing some jacked up things.
There was also this one YouTube with this strange plastic person thing... She/he was mentioned in a VSauce video but I still can't seem to remember what the YouTube page was actually called.. I'll have to look into that!
The Bud Dwyer suicide video didn't have very much of an effect on me. It just made me pretty damn sad. The old women with the maggots in her eye didn't have an effect on me either. I'm kinda iffy about watching the exorcism video but I'll give it a go.
WE ALMOST DIED! - Scary Maze Game With Dark
put in your name email address
and country you live in and then you can access the site but only at midnight.
If you can get through the site,
the little girl (Repleh) will put a curse on your enemy for you.
The story goes that apparently
her father murdered
her because he believed her to be the daughter of Satan because she has a
birthmark on her face. Because people were scared of her she could only
go out and play at midnight hence
why you can only access the site at
midnight. One of the scariest
sites ive seen. its just plane weird.
Jim Jones mass suicide audio recording. Wikipedia. I was to scared to finish it
For the author of this post:
I think you really need to check the Scary Maze Exorcist game, trust me you will love it!!
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