Saturday, February 19, 2005

Crazy Chicken?

Ange sent me this. It's pretty fun and crazy. Let me know what funny things you can get it to do. I've only tried "shake your booty." It works though.

Crazy Chicken

Friday, February 11, 2005

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Place the State

Here's a fun little U.S. geography quiz. Place the state and see how well you do. I got a 88% my first time. It's tougher than it looks.

Map Quiz

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Living the Dream

Well, it's been a heck of a week. The biggest highlight of my week, besides two pretty fun parties last weekend, and seeing Napolean Dynamite for the first time on Sunday, was definitely quitting my job. If you have never quit your job, I recommend it. It's a great experience. The only thing I wish I could've done, and it's still a dream of mine, is to go in there and see what it takes to get fired. Because I'm a really good employee, and it would've been awesome to just go nuts on them and see how much they would take before firing me.

The reason I quit is a really long story, and I'm not going to get into it all. But last week felt like a big conspiracy against me. I work for a (well, used to work for a) temp service, and a buddy of mine told me how he had gotten a raise just by talking to them. So I called them up to ask about how they figure my pay, and that's definitely a big "no-no." They told me it "really isn't any of your business." The lady got all snippy with me. I was like, "Well, that's cool." Dud. So I never named any names or even mentioned that I knew someone got a raise, and the next day I come into work, my buddy is no longer there. He got fired the night after I called in.

So he was my ping-pong buddy, and that was the biggest perk of the job I was at, so I decided I had had enough. So Monday I went in and told them that I refuse to work with integrity and honesty for a company built upon deception and manipulation. Then I told them I had something for them in my pocket and pulled out my middle finger and told them to take this job and shove it. Not really, but I should have.

So now I'm living the dream life for a while. I play Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Super Mario Brothers, and the original Zelda on Nintendo, while drinking cheap beer and sleeping in till 10. Unfortunately, I think I may already have another job set up; but until then, pass me another Stroh's.